Armour-Craig Legal Pty Ltd

ChatGPT Poem entitled “Adverse Possession”

With all the hype about ChatGPT – Fleur Craig has been having fun asking ChatGPT all sorts of legal questions.  Whilst answers where somewhat questionable, Fleur can’t deny it’s better at poetry.  Here is a poem created using ChatGPT entitled “Adverse Possession”.

Adverse possession, a curious notion, The claiming of land through long-time devotion. Where a trespasser, if left unchecked, May end up owning what they once trespassed.

They must use the land without permission, For a length of time, without intermission, And if the true owner takes no action, Their claim becomes more than a mere distraction.

A strange legal quirk, it may seem, But it can lead to an owner’s worst dream. For if they neglect to protect their land, They may find themselves with a weak hand.

The concept of time and adverse possession, May cause some to feel a sense of aggression. But for others, it’s a chance to gain, A plot of land, without bearing the strain.

So, let us be wary, and take heed, Of the time that passes without any need. For adverse possession may come to be, And we may find ourselves with a new boundary.

For legal advice with Adverse Possession and related matters, contact Fleur Craig at Armour-Craig Legal on (03) 5636 4986 or at  For help writing poems, check out ChatGPT.