Did you know that you can include a clause in your Will expressing a wish to donate your organs? To make sure that wish can be learnt by medical staff at the time of your death it is important to also record decision to donate organs on the National Organ Donor Register (AODR).
It is also important to discuss this decision with your family and loved ones prior to your death so that they are aware of your decision. This will help to improve the chances that they will support your decision. In Australia, families or loved ones must consent to organ donation in order for donation to proceed.
You can register on the AODR through Medicare (either online or at a service centre).
Why is organ donation something you should seriously consider?
At any one time there are approximately 1,700 people on the Australian organ transplant waiting list. A decision to donate could save the lives of up to 10 people.
Only one in three Australians are currently registered on the AODR.
Only 2 % of Australians who die in hospital will be considered for organ donation. For organ donation to be possible donors need to die in hospital where their body can be medically supported until their organs can be donated. This means the more Australians who register on the AODR and obtain their families support for their donation decision the better.
Most people can donate their organs and tissue. Old age or medical history won’t necessarily mean you are unsuitable to donate.
For more information about organ donation visit
For more information on including an organ donation clause in your will call Fleur Craig at Armour-Craig Legal on (03) 5636 4986.